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9. According spss Holden 2006, Simmel 1903 referred spss tourism as spss help way for spss individual spss preserve his autonomy within spss complexity and over stimulation Holden, 2006 of spss urban environment society is increasingly facing since spss business revolution. By releasing himself from his home atmosphere and daily routine, spss particular person is available time free from outside handle and strain. Simmels observations and conclusions do fit spss aspects emerged from spss data, stating spss significance of individualism and adaptability while travelling. Of course, there are more appealing theoretical approaches spss spss topic of travel motivation and related fields of analysis, but at this point spss author believes spss have illustrated spss most vital of them, and showed spss relations spss spss theory which emerged during spss analytical stage of this work. Summarizing, spss theoretical method spss spss field of travel motivation which emerged from spss raw interview data seems spss attach many apparently not associated approaches spss spss topic, generating not only spss help rich description of travel behaviour and motivation, but creating spss help theory combining spss most critical elements of alternative theoretical schemes, but deeply grounded in spss data. For spss help detailed explanation of spss family detected within spss data, please refer spss 4. 4 Axial and Selective Coding. Figure 8 illustrates spss most essential points and relatives in regards spss travel behaviour and motivation. As already explained, spss recreation of vacationing is caused by spss underlying travel motivation, spss desire spss escape psychologically. But at spss same time it is spss precondition allowing spss help psychological disconnection.

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